St Mary's Monkseaton # 227 September 2024

Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity and Creationtide 2: Back to Church Sunday
8am Holy Communion
10.00am Holy Communion
2.30pm Big Play Out
4pm Family@Four
6.30pm Youth Club
Big Play Out and Family@Four
This Sunday, 15th September we are holding a 'Big Play Out' from 2.30 followed by Family @ Four with stories, singing and craft activity followed by refreshments. It's also an opportunity to make new friends and tell us what you would like from your church.
Autumn Fair
Tasty Grand Raffle tickets will be ready to be picked up from Sunday 8th September. 6 tickets in a book at 50peach (£3 per book) BUT only £5 if you buy 2 books!
Stubs and monies return to church. There will be a box on the raffle/fair table.
Tom Savage
Harvest Service: 22nd September 2024
This Harvest, we are collecting for the Bay Foodbank. This is sadly still a much needed support network and this is a wonderful opportunity to support their amazing work. In particular the food bank are in need of:
Can you help in the kitchen for Toddlers? On 30th September and 14th October we need help to provide refreshments in the afternoon. If you can help please speak to David Lax.
Art and Eco Fair
A note of thanks to Marion Oakes and Kate Taylor for their hard work in setting up and running the Arts & Eco Fair. It was a great success. Marion and Kate would also like to thank all who helped with setting up for and clearing up after the Fair and for those who worked in the kitchen.
After our summer break OWLS NEXT MEETING is on Friday 11th October when Jeff Pickering will be talking about Portrait Paintings.
We meet as usual at 12noon for a sandwich lunch, cost of £6.50 cash on the day.
Please sign up by Sunday 6th October on the sheet in the vestibule so that I can order food.
All are welcome and if you are not going to be in church to sign up please email me at or phone me on 07808 078894.
I look forward to seeing you all on the 11 October.
Beryl Austoni
Great North Run
Claire ran the Great North Run on Sunday 8th for the NAPI charity. This is a last chance to offer support.
Back to Church Sunday

Harvest Meal 24th September at 4pm
To celebrate harvest with the local community, we are putting on a 'Harvest Meal of soup, Bread and Cheese. We are looking for volunteers to help on the day. Please sepak to Nigel or Claire if you feel you can help.

Your prayers are requested for: | Saturday 14th September |
| 2pm: Confirmations St Paul Whitley Bay |
Rest in Peace Colin Brooks | Sunday 15th September: 8am Holy Communion 10am Holy Communion 2.30pm Big Play Out and Family @ Four 6.30pm Youth Group |
Remembering also those whose anniversaries of death fall at this time
| Monday 16th September: 9.30am: Toddlers 1.30pm: Toddlers |
We also pray for streets in our community:
| Tuesday 17th September: 9.15am: Morning Prayer 10am: Craft Group 2.30pm Mothers Union |
For those to be confirmed
| Wednesday 18th September: 9.15am Morning Prayer 10.30am: Holy Communion 6pm: Choir 7.30pm PCC |
Thursday 19th September: 9-11am: Pop in Café 7.30pm: Bible Study (meeting in a home) | |
Friday 20th September: Office closed | |
Saturday 21st September | |
Sunday 22nd September:Harvest Sunday 8am Holy Communion 10am Holy Communion 4pm Cafe Church 6.30pm Youth Group |