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4th Sunday of Advent, 19th December 2021


Worship with us this Sunday!

This Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Advent, and we have three services at St Mary's. You are most welcome at 8am, 10am, and also at our 6pm Christmas Carol service.

Alternatively, click below to find out more about upcoming services. You can also join us via our YouTube Channel > or view our upcoming services here>

This week's Bible Readings:

Hymns: 405, 701, 381

Eucharist setting: Grayston Ives, "Salisbury Service"


Covid Update December 2021

From December 15th it is mandatory for visitors to our church to wear a face covering unless exempt. This includes when we are gathered for worship. We have always recommended the wearing of masks so this constitutes little change in practice. Our pre-existing measures around Holy Communion will not change. Our choir (who sing without a mask) take Covid tests before each service (see below for more information on our choir and Covid safety measures). Please do get in touch with one of our wardens if you would like to discuss our risk assessments.


Community Carols

Saturday 18th December 5pm

Join us at Whitley Lodge shops (Claremont Crescent) on Saturday at 5pm to sing carols and hear the Christmas story. We will be outside so make sure you wrap up warm!


Christmas Carol Service

Sunday 19th December 6pm

Join us on Sunday at 6pm for our traditional candlelit service of readings and Christmas Carols plus beautiful choral pieces from our choir. Stay afterwards for mince pies and mulled wine.


Candle in memory

Throughout Christmas week, candles in memory of loved ones will be lit and placed on the windowsills in church, lasting for 7 days. Should you wish to remember someone in this way, we ask for a £5 donation per candle to the office by Tuesday 21st December (office hours weekdays 10am - 12pm).


Mothers' Union Carol Service

Tuesday 21st December 2pm

You are invited to a service of readings and carols on Tuesday afternoon hosted by St Mary's Mothers' Union. Please stay afterwards if you can for a cup of tea!


Choir update

Questions have been raised by a number of people regarding the numbers in the choir. The number has been for some time 6 with additional numbers during Communion at our 10am Eucharist. There have been numerous discussions as to whether that number should be increased. In the light of increased transmission with the Omicron variant it has been decided that there can be no change at the 10am Eucharist. The Advent Carol Service and the Carol service are special services and are led by the choir, so it was felt the number could be increased to 12. We would like to thank Mike and Penny for all their dedication and hard work in re-establishing the choir and steps taken to keep everyone safe.

~ The Wardens, Sue Johnson and David Tompkins


Toddlers' Carols Thanks

A huge thank you to our Toddler Group team and to Penny for putting together the simple carol service for our little ones. We welcomed almost one hundred toddlers, parents and grandparents!


Services over Christmas

A reminder that there will be no 8am Service on 26th December and no midweek service at 10.30am on Wednesday 29th December.


Office closed over Christmas

The church office will be closed Wednesday 22nd December - Monday 3rd January inclusive.


Toddler Group

There will be no Toddler Group over the holidays - we look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 10th January 2022.



Saturday 18th December

5pm Carols at Whitley Lodge Shops

5.30-6.30pm Young Notes practice

Sunday 19th December

4th Sunday of Advent

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

6pm Carol Service by candlelight

Monday 20th December

No Toddler Group

Tuesday 21st December

9am Morning Prayer

Wednesday 22nd December

9am Morning Prayer

10:30am Holy Communion

6pm Choir practice

Thursday 23rd December

9am Morning Prayer

Friday 24th December

Christmas Eve

6pm Crib Service

11.30pm Midnight Mass

Saturday 25th December

Christmas Day

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

Sunday 26th December

Feast of St Stephen

NO 8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist


For Your Prayers

Your Prayers are requested for

  • Heather Rivers

  • Lucinda and children

  • Anne Otter

  • Rhona and Douglas Lawrie

  • Martin Cooper

  • Alison Young

  • Ron House

  • Maggie Hollis

  • Daniel

  • Jean Woodruff

Rest in Peace

  • Stuart Hall RIP

Rest in Peace Anniversary

  • Riccardo Austoni RIP

  • Tony Tompkins RIP

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.

Christingle for The Children's Society

A huge thank you for your support of this event; we are happy to continue collecting donations and collective candles through Advent.

~ Rick and Sue Channing.


North East Homeless

Over Christmas we are collecting for North East Homeless charity. They provide support to those who vulnerable and homeless in our region. They also provide food and emergency equipment. Find out more about this charity and how to give via the link below.


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