Advent is a time of preparation, watching and waiting for the birth of Christ which we celebrate at Christmas. It is a time of reflection on what has happened in the past and where we are now as well as looking forward to coming of Christ.
It's a time when we grapple with the tough subjects of heaven, hell, death and judgement and is meant to disturb us out of our usual pattern of living and to free us to delve into the mystery of God. Advent is therefore a more sombre time in preparation for the celebration of Christmas.
We mark each week of Advent by lighting candles on our Advent Wreath at the front of church and retelling the story of faith from the fathers and mothers of the bible, through prophets and John the Baptist, to Mary the mother of Jesus and finally the most wonderful story of the birth of Jesus.
During this period of Advent, there will be a series of short videos explaining the journey through Advent.