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News & Notices 5th January 2025

St Mary's Monkseaton # 243 January 2025

Vicar: Rev Nigel Taylor email:

Curate: Rev Claire Lewis email:

Please note: Nigel and Claire are not available on their day off which is Friday.

Find out more about our upcoming Services here.

If you missed last week's service, or can't make this Sunday, you can catch up online.


Holy Communion: Second Sunday of Christmas

  • 8am Holy Communion

  • 10.00am Holy Communion

  • 4.00pm Escape


Happy New Year!

Advent and Christmas were a hectic time with a plethora of wonderful services supported by so many people including Wardens, flower arrangers, welcomers, sanctuary guild, tech team, choir, intercessors, lectors, refreshment providers, licensed laity (Readers) and laity for which Claire and I are extremely grateful. We have seen increases in the numbers attending our services and taken risks with new services such as 'outdoor community carols' and 'Blue Christmas'. We are now entering a new year with many challenges and opportunities including renewal of the church windows, improvements to the 'visual' aids in the building and plans to improve our nurturing and teaching and mission in the local community. For this to continue to be successful we need to build on St Mary's as a praying community and we would encourage you to join us in prayer and pray as we seek to discover where God is working to bring God's kingdom and how we might join in that Kingdom building.

Nigel and Claire


Craft Group

Craft Group returns for the new year in the gathering space in church from 10.00 to 12.00 every Tuesday morning.


Journey through the bible

In January we'll be starting a new story based bible study. The aim is to explore the stories that fuel our faith. The course will cover six Old Testament and six New Testament Stories to help us get an overview of the bible. We will hear the stories delivered in a creative way with a bit of time for questions and discussion over a few nibbles. If you're interested please speak to Claire and we will find a time in the week that suits the most people.


Reflective Service for Epiphany

We are holding a quiet service of reflection for Epiphany on Monday 6th January at 6pm. A chance to reflect and worship as we build on the joy of Christmas and move forward through the year.


Christmas Collection for Bishops Appeal

If you are able to help with the collection of handbags and toiletries for women who have suffered domestic violence, please speak to Caroline Rose who will be co ordinating our collection. More information is available on the link below.



Happy New Year to all OWLS members.

Next meeting is Friday 10th January 2025 at 12 noon. Please remember to sign up for our January meeting by Sunday 5th January so that food can be ordered.

The meeting will have Mary Cooper with one of her wonderful stories, those of you who remember her monologue on Advent a few years ago will know how captivating she is. Please come and support our first meeting of a new year.

If you would like to come on the 10th but will not be in church: phone on 07808078894


Christmas 2

Saturday 4th January

4pm: Light Party

Sunday 5th January (Christmas 2)

8am: Holy Communion

10am:Holy Communion

4pm: Escape


Monday 6th January

9.00am: Morning Prayer

6pm: Epiphany reflective service

4.30pm: Evening Prayer


Tuesday 7th January

9.00am: Morning Prayer

10.00: Craft Group

4.30pm: Evening Prayer

Wednesday 8th January

9.00am: Morning Prayer

10.30am: Holy Communion

4.30pm: Evening Prayer

6pm: Choir

Thursday 9th January

9.00am: Morning Prayer

9.30-11am: Pop in Cafe

4.30pm: Evening Prayer

7.30pm: Bible Group (Ron's House, contact Nigel or Claire for details)

Friday 10th January

Office closed.

Saturday 11th January

Office Closed

Sunday 12th December (Epiphany 1, Baptism of Christ)

8am: Holy Communion

10am: Holy Communion

4.00pm: Choral Evensong

6.30pm: St Mary's Youth Group




Your Prayers are requested for:

Sophie, Martin Cooper, John Hughes, Suzanne, Peter Dunlop and Jill.


Rest in Peace

Remembering also those whose anniversaries of death fall at this time:

Trevor Boycott and Pat Baker

We also pray for all who live in Tynedale Avenue



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