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News & Notices 2nd February 2025

St Mary's Monkseaton # 247. February2025

Vicar: Rev Nigel Taylor email:

Curate: Rev Claire Lewis email:

Please note: Nigel and Claire are not available on their day off which is Friday.

Find out more about our upcoming Services here.

If you missed last week's service, or can't make this Sunday, you can catch up online.


Holy Communion: Presentation of Christ in the temple (Candlemas)

  • 8am Holy Communion

  • 10.00am Holy Communion

  • 4.00pm Escape

  • 6.30pm St Mary's Youth Group


Sunday 10.00am Service; 2nd February. Presentation of Christ (Candlemass)

We will be blessing candles as part of this service so if you would like to bring a candle from home to be blessed you be very welcome to.


A New Congregation: 'Marianum'

In 2024 I promised to start a 'New Congregation', to build a missional group, who will be nurtured in faith with the aim of being focused on the community in which they live, and to provide an alternative form of worship to that offered on a Sunday morning. With Claire joining us, this is now possible.

This is not a replacement for our Sunday morning services, but an opportunity to reach new people and people who may travel some distance out of parish to find a style of worship that engages them. Our Sunday morning worship is flourishing but we need to recognise that this style of worship may not be to everyone's taste. In addition, our Sunday morning congregation is not growing younger, and many have served tirelessly. As a busy church, we need new people to help us to continue to serve our community as it has in the past.

The new service will begin on Saturday 1st February at 5.00pm

The format will be :

Worship songs to begin

A confession

Readings (Based on a theme not the lectionary)


Worship songs

Shared Meal

The service will be family oriented where there will be worship and teaching for adults and the chance to dance and play for children. If you interested in supporting us with your presence (You will not be asked to do a job) then please let Claire know.


Environment Conference

Please see the link below for conference on the environment open to all. As a church we are committed to improving the environment in which we live and this is an opportunity to learn and gain new ideas. The conference is organised by John Appleby so please ask him any questions you may have.


Parish Directory and Communications.

We are refreshing our Parish Directory this month. If you would like to be included, please complete a 'Contact Details, Data Privacy and Consent' form which you will find at the back of church. If you have not completed a form, we will not put you in the directory and you will not receive any communications from us. The link below takes you to the form which you can print out and return to the office.



PCC have approved the appointment of a temporary administrator to review the office and finance systems prior to the appointment of a permanent administrator. Both posts will be 10 hours per week and an advert will be posted in the lobby of church and available on the website. We are looking for someone who has accounting/book-keeping experience and knowledge. For further information please contact Nigel on


Journey through the bible

It's not too late to join!

Would you like to know your bible better? Claire is offering a story based look at the bible. It's a 12 week course exploring six old testament and six new testament stories to give an overview of the journey of the people of God. We will hear the stories, there will be a short time for discussion and questions and then lunch. Next Meeting is Wednesday 5th February


Saturday 1st February

10.00 Mission Action Plan working group

5.00pm: Marianum

Sunday 2nd February: Presentation of Christ in the temple (Candlemas)

8am: Holy Communion

10am:Holy Communion

4pm: Escape

6.30pm: St Mary's Youth Group

Monday 3rd February

9.00am: Morning Prayer

9.30am Toddlers

4.30pm: Evening Prayer


Tuesday 4th February

9.00am: Morning Prayer

10.00: Craft Group

4.30pm: Evening Prayer

7.30pm: Church in the Kittiwake

Wednesday 5th February

9.00am: Morning Prayer

10.30am: Holy Communion

12.00 midday: Introduction to the bible

4.30pm: Evening Prayer

6pm: Choir

Thursday 6th February

9.00am: Morning Prayer

9.30-11am: Pop in Cafe

4.30pm: Evening Prayer

7.30pm: Bible Group (Ron's House, contact Nigel or Claire for details)

Friday 7th February

Office closed.

Saturday 8th February

Office Closed

5pm: Marianum

Sunday 9th February: Fourth Sunday before Lent

8am: Holy Communion

10am: Holy Communion

4.00pm: Choral Evensong

6.30pm: St Mary's Youth Group




Your Prayers are requested for:

Sophie, Martin Cooper, John Hughes, Suzanne, Iris Allan, Jennifer Stephenson, Audrey Searle, Ron Noble and Jill.


Rest in Peace

Ruth Wolf

Remembering also those whose anniversaries of death fall at this time:

Margaret Campbell, Clement White, Derek Burton

We also pray for all residents of

St Martins Court



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