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News & Notices 3rd November 2024

St Mary's Monkseaton # 234 October/November 2024

Find out more about our upcoming Services here. If you missed last week's service, or can't make this Sunday, you can catch up online.


All Saints

  • 8am Holy Communion

  • 10.00am Holy Communion

  • 3.30 for 4pm: Memorial/All Souls Service


Prayer Time

We meet for prayer on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning. You would be very welcome to join us and we would be delighted to help you develop your prayer life. If you have anything you would like us to be praying for in morning prayer, then please let either Nigel or Claire know.


Plea from Charity shops.

Charity shops wish people would clear out their children’s (grandchildren's) old toys in the lead-up to Christmas — rather than after.

They see parents in the days before Christmas, looking for toys for their little ones, because they are strapped for cash. There’s very rarely anything in just before — but they get inundated with toys in the days after. 

Also good, warm coats, scarves and gloves, pretty dresses and sweaters.

Thanks Cheryl


Prayers of Love and Faith

You may be aware of the debate that has been happening over the past years in General Synod on gender and sexuality and in particular same sex marriage and blessing of a same sex partnership/ marriage. St Mary's held a course on 'Living in Love and Faith' prior to me becoming vicar here and so there is some understanding in the church of these issues.

Subsequently the Church of England and Bishops have commended a set of prayers and liturgy for the blessing of same sex couples in a main church service. Details can be found below.

When I applied for the role of vicar at St Mary's, part of the reason was that the church stated it was 'Inclusive'. On this basis I informed the PCC that I was in support of the Prayers of Love and Faith and would be happy to conduct blessing of a same sex couples in a main service. I was fully supported by the PCC, but I am aware that people in the congregation may have questions regarding this. If you do then please contact me and I would be happy to discuss this with you.

Rev Nigel Taylor, Vicar St Mary Monkseaton.


Brother Harold’s funeral arrangements.

Thursday 7 November 

10.30am.      A Roman Catholic Eucharist at St Mary the Immaculate, Whittingham.

3.00pm.       Reception of Br Harold’s body and Anglican Requiem Eucharist at

                      Shepherds Law.

Friday 8 November 

11.00am.       Ecumenical funeral service and interment at Shepherds Law.


Parking at Shepherds Law is needed for the family, helpers and undertakers. Other

parking is available at the bottom of the hill - a ferry service by two 4x4’s will be available from the gate.

Live Stream:

You can follow the service on live stream using: You don’t have to belong to Facebook to follow the service. Just delete the request to subscribe and then continue. The recording will be available if you wish to see it later.

If you intend going to Shepherds Law please remember it is always much colder there so wear warm clothing.

A copy of Br Harold’s Obituary is on the notice board.


In addition, their is an obituary in the Times that can be seen below or alternatively there is a copy on the notice board in church.

Please continue to hold Br Harold in your prayers.



All Souls Memorial Service

We are holding a Memorial Service for those we love but no longer see on Sunday 3rd November beginning at 3.30pm with tea and biscuits followed by a reflective service where we remember our loved ones and have a chance to light a candle in their memory. All are welcome.


St Mary’s 100 Club 2024/25

St Mary’s will be delighted if you will now join or re join the scheme. Monies raised this time will go towards our new windows.


For £25 a year you are entered into twelve monthly draws with the chance of winning £50, £30 and £20 or in December £100, £50 or £30. To save disappointment perhaps it is better to consider it a donation and enjoy the surprise if you win.


All you need to do is transfer £25 using online banking to St Marys 100 Club, Sort Code 20-62-09 Account No. 53160653. Alternatively, drop off a cheque made payable to St Marys 100 Club or even cash. Please post or deliver either to me at 61 Brierdene Crescent, Whitley Bay, NE26 4AD or to church. (Should it be required the letter box is in the north door.)


I would appreciate if existing members could send me an email or text confirming payment. If you are a new member, I will need your name and address. A contact email address or phone number would be useful too so that I can confirm receipt and deliver your winnings to your home!


With thanks


Roger Windass



Our next meeting is on Friday 8th November when Hilary Clark will be talking to us about Icons.

As usual we meet at 12 noon for a sandwich lunch, £6.50 in cash on the day. Please sign up on the sheet in the vestibule by Sunday 3rd so that I can order food, email or phone me if you are not in church this Sunday.

Also please bring a friend if you would like to, we are a relaxed and friendly group who always welcome new people.


Mat 11/19

Invitation, Inclusion and Inspiration.

We continue to meet in the Kittiwake to discuss current issues from a Christian perspective. On Tuesday 5th November, as we remember the Gun Powder plot, we will be considering the relationship of Politics and Faith.


Tear Fund Quiz Night: 16th November.

We are holding a quiz night in St Mary's on the evening of Saturday 16th November from 7pm. Tickets can be purchased for £5 each (Children over five years £2.50 each) via the link below, from the office or please put your name on the list at the back of church.


Saturday 2nd November

Office Closed

Sunday 3rd November

8am: Holy Communion

10am:Holy Communion (All Saints)

3.30pm: All Souls Memorial Service


Monday 4th November

9.00am: Morning Prayer

9.30am: Toddlers

1.30pm: Toddlers

7.15: House Group (Jean Tyers).


Tuesday 5th November

9.00am: Morning Prayer

10am: Craft Group

7.30pm: Matt 11/9 Kittiwake (Politics and Faith)

Wednesday 6th November

9.00am: Morning Prayer

10.30am: Holy Communion

6pm: Choir

Thursday 7th November

9.00am: Morning Prayer

9.30-11am: Pop in Cafe

7.30pm: Bible Study

Friday 8th November

Office closed.

Saturday 9th November

Office Closed

Sunday 10th November

8am: Holy Communion

10am: Holy Communion and Remembrance service

3.30pm Choral Evensong

6.30pm: St Mary's Youth Club




Your Prayers are requested for:

Sophie, Martin Cooper, John Hughes and Jill,


Rest in Peace

Brother Harold, Leslie Willis, Christine Blackhall

Remembering also those whose anniversaries of death fall at this time:

Kenneth Humble

We also pray for those who are

Local Authority Councillors



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©2023 Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Monkseaton  |  Registered Charity No. 1131532  |  Safeguarding  |  Data Privacy  |  Giving

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