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News & Notices 24th November 2024

St Mary's Monkseaton # 237 November 2024

Vicar: Rev Nigel Taylor email:

Curate: Rev Claire Lewis email:

Please note: Nigel and Claire are not available on their day off which is Friday.

Find out more about our upcoming Services here. If you missed last week's service, or can't make this Sunday, you can catch up online.


Holy Communion Christ the King

  • 8am Holy Communion

  • 10.00am Holy Communion

  • 4.00pm Cafe Church

  • 6.30pm St Mary'sYouth


PCC Summary

Our PCC met this week and discussed many issues and made several key decisions for our church. Recently our Archdeacon, Rachel, came to our church for her visitation. She affirmed many areas of our church life and was particularly complimentary about our safeguarding work and policies. Thanks to our churchwardens for all the preparation for this visit.

The replacement of the church windows has moved a step closer as council agreed to use North East Glass to complete this work. It will cost £80,000+. A faculty (diocesan permission) is now being sought and then fundraising can really begin.

The budget for next year was discussed in great detail and it will be finalised in the coming days. Provision has been made to pay for an office administrator who will work for 10 hours each week and clerk the Standing Committee and Parochial Church Council. The recruitment process for this post will begin in the New Year as council decided this role is needed to support the work of our church. Thanks was offered to Nigel and Claire for all that they have done in recent months in reorganising the office and streamlining many of the tasks completed by the administrator.

Our Mission Action Plan (MAP) will be prepared in the coming weeks by a team recruited by our Vicar and the same process will be used to look at the current structures of our committees and groups to determine any changes necessary to support the MAP. Council also agreed to hold a congregation consultation about our church space, particularly as funds have been raised through our Autumn Fayre to further develop the audio/visual facilities.

Council expressed heartfelt thanks to Tom Savage and Grace Morgan who have led our church in recent years with all aspects of the Autumn Fayre. They are now stepping down from this task and I am sure the congregation will join me in saying a massive ‘THANK YOU’ to them and all the others who have helped with this fundraiser over recent years.


Children's Society

As the lights begin to come on,please would you consider taking a Children's Society collecting candle to be something you could  do to aid vulnerable young people.These candles would be welcomed back at the Christingle service on Dec 15th or at any time over the Christmas period

Thanks Sue and Rick x


Bible Study

We have now started to read and think about the book of James in the New Testament. No prior knowledge is needed to join us, just a willingness to listen, ask questions and learn from each other. If you are interested, speak to Nigel or Claire.


Gift Aid

This is the month we set the budget for the following year. In the process we have realised that we may not be taking advantage of Gift Aid. Donating through Gift Aid means as a church and charity we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra. We have therefore provided gift aid forms at the back of church so if you pay tax and donate to church, would you mind filling in a form?

If you give via Parish Giving, there is no need to as this is done automatically for you: A real advantage of the Parish Giving system.

Thank you, Finance Group


'How to Godly Play' Coaching

2 day coaching course to be held at St Mary's Monkseaton:

Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd November from 9.30am-4.30pm each day

N.B. these can be attended consecutively to go deeper into the methodology of Godly Play or as separate, stand alone, days to have an initial taster/introduction.

This will be led by Mary Cooper, retired Godly Play U.K. trainer, who will share some of her experience and expertise.

Do come;

·        to find out more, 

·        just to enjoy some Godly Play contemplative story telling,

·        to have a refresher in Godly Play methods,

·        to enrich your own ministry or parenting.

There are no Course fees  for members of St M ary's congregation.  Please bring a packed lunch. Drinks will be provided.


Mat 11/19

Invitation, Inclusion and Inspiration.

Our last meeting in the Kittiwake for this year will be on Tuesday 26th November at 7.30. All are welcome to join us for a drink and discussion about current affairs from a Christian perspective.


The 100 Club is up and running again with 82 participants. Thanks to all who have supported

(It’s not too late to join in. 18 places left before the big Christmas draw.)

October winners:

£50 Vicky Scurfield

£30 Tom Furness

£20 Dawn Lee

November winners:

£50 Audrey Searle

£30 Michael Clarke

£20 Elizabeth Charlton


Advent Reflection Series

After the success of the Lent reflections shared between churches of Whitley Bay, we are running a series of reflections on Saturday mornings through Advent. This will be preceded by a simple lunch of soup and bread. Can we therefore have 4 volunteers for soup making when St Mary's is hosting on Saturday 7th December? We are still in need of soup makers so if you are happy to make a soup, please speak to Claire or Nigel


Craft Group

Craft Group meets every Tuesday morning at 10.00 until 12.00. It's a time to bring your favourite craft and socialise with like minded people or perhaps learn a new skill from one of those attending. Enjoy a hot drink and biscuit and make friends.


Christmas Cards

The Christmas season is fast approaching and you may be starting to think about writing your Christmas cards.  Before you do, perhaps you might be interested to know that we will be having our usual Christmas Card Greetings board up in the vestibule from 1st December.

Instead of sending lots of individual Christmas cards perhaps you might think about sending just one card to St Mary’s parishioners.  A box will be near the board where you can put your card, and we will see that it is displayed on the Greetings board.  Everyone is welcome to read the cards so your greeting will be seen by all your friends at St Mary’s.

This way of exchanging Christmas cards has become more and more popular over recent years.  It also adds a festive feel to our church.


Dates for the Diary

The Christmas ads are on TV so here are some dates for your diary.

1st December, 4pm

 Advent Carol Service

9th December, 9.30am

Toddler Carol Service

14th December, 10.30am

Whitley Lodge Community Carols.

15th December, 4pm


15th December, 6pm

Community Carols and Nativity

19th December, 8pm

Beer & Carols; Kittiwake pub.

21st December, 4pm

Blue Christmas (Memorial Service)

22nd December, 6pm

Carols by Candlelight

Christmas Eve, 11am

Carols in the Crab and Waltzer

Christmas Eve, 4pm

Crib Service

Christmas Eve, 11.30pm

Midnight Holy Communion

Christmas Day, 10.00am

Christmas Day Family Holy Communion



Saturday 23rd November

Office Closed

Sunday 24th November (Christ The King)

8am: Holy Communion

10am:Holy Communion (Safeguarding)

4pm Cafe Church

6.30pm St Mary's Youth


Monday 25th November

9.00am: Morning Prayer

9.30am: Toddlers

1.30pm: Toddlers


Tuesday 26th November

9.00am: Morning Prayer

10am: Craft Group

7.30pm: Matt 11/9 Kittiwake

Wednesday 27th November

9.00am: Morning Prayer

10.30am: Holy Communion

6pm: Choir

Thursday 28th November

9.00am: Morning Prayer

9.30-11am: Pop in Cafe

7.30pm: Bible Study

Friday 29th November

Office closed.

Saturday 30th November

Office Closed

Sunday 1st December (Advent 1)

8am: Holy Communion

10am: Holy Communion

4.00pm Advent Carol Service

6.30pm: St Mary's Youth Club




Your Prayers are requested for:

Sophie, Martin Cooper, John Hughes, Maureen Price and Jill.


Rest in Peace

Remembering also those whose anniversaries of death fall at this time:

Norman Henderson, Helen Mara Matthews and Rita Gilfillan

We also pray for those who live in

Marine Court


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