St Mary's Monkseaton # 228 September 2024

Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity and Creationtide 3: Harvest and Thanksgiving
8am Holy Communion
10.00am Holy Communion
4pm Cafe Church
6.30pm Youth Club
Cafe Church
This Sunday, 22nd September we are holding Cafe Church. A chance to ask questions about faith, discuss current topics from a Christian Perspective and enjoy refreshments. It's also an opportunity to make new friends and tell us what you would like from your church.
PCC Meeting –
Our PCC met this week and made significant decisions for our church. They agreed to pay an extra £5000 towards our parish share on top of the £75000 already committed for 2024. We also pledged to contribute £81000 next year. PCC thank the Building and Resources Team for securing quotes to replace all the windows in our church. The cost is just over £81000. This is a huge amount of money for us to raise, but, by splitting into three equal parts we agreed to take one third from our reserves, one third to be secured from grants/matched funding and the remainder to be fund raised at church. Suggestions including buying a window (around £1000) and fund-raising social events were discussed. More information to follow about this exciting project which will make our church much warmer and more eco compliant. We also agreed that funds from the 100 Club – kindly organised by Roger Windass – should go into the windows fundraising pot. Our upcoming fair on 19 October is a big fundraising activity for St Mary’s and we thank Tom Savage and Grace Morgan for all their work in the organisation of this event. It was agreed that monies from the fair this year should be used to provide screens and other audio/visual facilities in our church thus enabling everyone to see a screen when we do not have books for a service – again a ‘green’ initiative. If you wish to know more about our PCC please ask any member of the council. Thank you. Liz Hayes – Lay Chair.
Autumn Fair
Tasty Grand Raffle tickets will be ready to be picked up from Sunday 8th September. 6 tickets in a book at 50peach (£3 per book) BUT only £5 if you buy 2 books!
Stubs and monies return to church. There will be a box on the raffle/fair table.
Tom Savage
Harvest Service: 22nd September 2024
This Harvest, we are collecting for the Bay Foodbank. This is sadly still a much needed support network and this is a wonderful opportunity to support their amazing work. In particular the food bank are in need of:
Parochial Church Council Meeting
Our PCC met this week and made significant decisions for our church. They agreed to pay an extra £5000 towards our parish share on top of the £75000 already committed for 2024. We also pledged to contribute £81000 next year. PCC thank the Building and Resources Team for securing quotes to replace all the windows in our church. The cost is just over £81000. This is a huge amount of money for us to raise, but, by splitting into three equal parts we agreed to take one third from our reserves, one third to be secured from grants/matched funding and the remainder to be fund raised at church. Suggestions including buying a window (around £1000) and fund-raising social events were discussed. More information to follow about this exciting project which will make our church much warmer and more eco compliant. We also agreed that funds from the 100 Club – kindly organised by Roger Windass – should go into the windows fundraising pot. Our upcoming fair on 19 October is a big fundraising activity for St Mary’s and we thank Tom Savage and Grace Morgan for all their work in the organisation of this event. It was agreed that monies from the fair this year should be used to provide screens and other audio facilities in our church thus enabling everyone to see a screen when we do not have books for a service – again a ‘green’ initiative. If you wish to know more about our PCC please ask any member of the council. Thank you. Liz Hayes – Lay Chair.
St Mary’s 100 Club 2024/25
Following a refreshing summer break the PCC have decreed that it is time to slip back into the groove and restart the 100 Club next month.
The 100 Club has been declining in popularity in recent times. Last year we raised £595 (down from £870 and £1370 in the previous two years) for church funds which went mainly towards the costs of cleaning the church hall. Thank you to everyone who participated. It does help and is appreciated.
St Mary’s will be delighted if you will now join or re join the scheme. Monies raised this time will go towards our new windows.
For £25 a year you are entered into twelve monthly draws with the chance of winning £50, £30 and £20 or in December £100, £50 or £30. To save disappointment perhaps it is better to consider it a donation and enjoy the surprise if you win.
All you need to do is transfer £25 using online banking to St Marys 100 Club, Sort Code 20-62-09 Account No. 53160653. Alternatively, drop off a cheque made payable to St Marys 100 Club or even cash. Please post or deliver either to me at 61 Brierdene Crescent, Whitley Bay, NE26 4AD or to church. (Should it be required the letter box is in the north door.)
I would appreciate if existing members could send me an email or text confirming payment. If you are a new member, I will need your name and address. A contact email address or phone number would be useful too so that I can confirm receipt and deliver your winnings to your home!
With thanks
Roger Windass
After our summer break OWLS NEXT MEETING is on Friday 11th October when Jeff Pickering will be talking about Portrait Paintings.
We meet as usual at 12noon for a sandwich lunch, cost of £6.50 cash on the day.
Please sign up by Sunday 6th October on the sheet in the vestibule so that I can order food.
All are welcome and if you are not going to be in church to sign up please email me at or phone me on 07808 078894.
I look forward to seeing you all on the 11 October.
Beryl Austoni
Harvest Meal 24th September at 4pm
To celebrate harvest with the local community, we are putting on a 'Harvest Meal of soup, Bread and Cheese. We are looking for volunteers to help on the day. If you feel you can help we will gather following the 10.00am service on Sunday.
O Sing Joyfully
On Sunday 29th September at 4pm we are holding the above service where we will be singing hymns both familiar and new. this will be followed by refreshments. We will be led by our choir and it will be an opportunity to learn new songs that can be used in our regular morning worship. Why not join us for an hour of joyful singing and fellowship.
New House Group
Jean Tyers would like to host a new group on Monday evenings at 7.15pm. It will be a time of prayer followed by reflection on a poem. It is also a time of fellowship and getting to know one another followed by refreshments.
Christian Meditation Course
There will be a Christian Meditation course running at St Paul’s Church in Whitley Bay starting on the afternoon of 11 October at 2.30pm. The course builds on the teaching of John Main giving practical guidance on Christian Meditation. I have attached a leaflet which explains the background to this form of silent prayer in the heart.
There are 6 sessions:-
11/10/2024 Week 1 What is Christian Meditation?
18/10/2024 Week 2 John Main
25/10/2024 Week 3 The Roots of Meditation in the Christian Tradition
01/11/2024 Week 4 The Wheel of Prayer: Meditation and Other Ways of Prayer
08/11/2024 Week 5 Leaving Self Behind: Meditation and Discipleship
15/11/2024 Week 6 The Fruits of Meditation
The course is open to anyone who would like to participate. Contact Nigel for further information.

Saturday 21st September
Office Closed
Sunday 22nd September
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Holy Communion
4pm: Café Church
6.30pm: St Mary's Youth Club
Monday 23rd September
9.30am: Toddlers
1.30pm: Toddlers
7.15: House Group (Jean Tyers).
Tuesday 24th September
9.15am: Morning Prayer
10am: Craft Group
10am: Eucharist Eastbourne House
Wednesday 25th September
9.15am: Morning Prayer
10.30am: Holy Communion
6pm: Choir
Thursday 26th September
9-11am: Pop in Cafe
7.30pm: Bible study (meeting in a home)
Friday 27th September
Office closed.
Saturday 28th September
9-1pm Diocesan Synod (Church and office closed for meeting)
Sunday 29th September
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Holy Communion
4pm: O Sing Joyfully
6.30pm: St Mary's Youth Club

Your Prayers are requested for:
Martin Cooper, Jennifer Stephenson, John Hughes, Alistair Dicks and Clare Peel
Rest in Peace
Reverend Captain Katie Watson
Colin Brooks
Remembering also those whose anniversaries of death fall at this time:
Gertrude Jean Bellamy, Andrew Weatherstone, Thomas Bell.
We also pray for those who live on
Kingston Close