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News & Notices 19th January 2025

St Mary's Monkseaton # 245 January 2025

Vicar: Rev Nigel Taylor email:

Curate: Rev Claire Lewis email:

Please note: Nigel and Claire are not available on their day off which is Friday.

Find out more about our upcoming Services here.

If you missed last week's service, or can't make this Sunday, you can catch up online.


Holy Communion: Second Sunday of Epiphany

  • 8am Holy Communion

  • 10.00am Holy Communion

  • 4.00pm Family@Four


Week of prayer for Christian Unity

Our services of Holy Communion will be focused on the week of prayer for Christian Unity and through the week we will be praying for our brothers and sisters from all denominations. You are invited to a service at St Andrews URC on Sunday 19th at 6.30pm to celebrate unity.


A New Congregation: 'Marianum'

In 2024 I promised to start a 'New Congregation', to build a missional group, who will be nurtured in faith with the aim of being focused on the community in which they live, and to provide an alternative form of worship to that offered on a Sunday morning. With Claire joining us, this is now possible.

This is not a replacement for our Sunday morning services, but an opportunity to reach new people and people who may travel some distance out of parish to find a style of worship that engages them. Our Sunday morning worship is flourishing but we need to recognise that this style of worship may not be to everyone's taste. In addition, our Sunday morning congregation is not growing younger, and many have served tirelessly. As a busy church, we need new people to help us to continue to serve our community as it has in the past.

The new service will begin on Saturday 1st February at 5.00pm

The format will be :

Worship songs to begin

A confession

Readings (Based on a theme not the lectionary)


Worship songs

Shared Meal

The service will be family oriented where there will be worship and teaching for adults and the chance to dance and play for children. If you interested in supporting us with your presence (You will not be asked to do a job) then please let Claire know.


Parish Walks

I have become aware that there are a number of people in the congregation who enjoy walking and wondered if people might like to join together in a monthly walk on the last Saturday of each month. We might do themed walks or prayer walks or simply enjoy the company, exercise and views. Let me know if you are interested. I am planning the first one on Saturday 25th January leaving St Mary's carpark at 10.00am and walking down to St Mary's Island and stop off at the Links cafe on the way back for some light refreshment. Let me know if you are interested.



Parish Directory and Communications.

We are refreshing our Parish Directory this month. If you would like to be included, please complete a 'Contact Details, Data Privacy and Consent' form which you will find at the back of church. If you have not completed a form, we will not put you in the directory and you will not receive any communications from us. The link below takes you to the form which you can print out and return to the office.


Mothers Union AGM

Tuesday 21 January, Mothers' Union A.G.M. 2.30 p.m. In the Gathering Space, St Mary's Monkseaton.

Mothers Union offers an opportunity to meet and discuss faith and life. It reaches out to those who are alone and offers an opportunity for friendship and support. Why not join us to find out more?


New “St Mary’s Music Notes” WhatsApp Group

This new group is open to anyone interested in finding out more about the music in our services.  Posts will include lists of the hymns and other music being included, together with some insights into why they were chosen, how they are appropriate to the day or season, and backgrounds to their composition.

To join, either speak to Mike or Penny, or pop your details on the form on the table in the vestibule.


Journey through the bible

Would you like to know your bible better? Claire is offering a story based look at the bible. It's a 12 week course exploring six old testament and six new testament stories to give an overview of the journey of the people of God. We will hear the stories, there will be a short time for discussion and questions and then lunch. Please let Claire know if you'd like to attend so we can make sure there's enough food. We will be meeting on Wednesdays from 22nd January at 12.00 midday


Volunteers for Burns Night Ceilidh

Tickets are selling quickly for the Burns night which is great news. We are in need of a small team of volunteers the help.

We also need some raffle prizes.

All profits will be going to the 'New Window and building improvement fund'


Prayer and contemplation

As a church, St Mary's has a history of being a praying community with a focus on contemplative worship. A focus for this is our 'Escape' service on the afternoon of the first Sunday each month. In addition we have Morning and Evening prayer on Monday through to Thursday. Having time to pray and carving that time out of busy lives is not easy. A useful resource that might help you in your prayer life is Fr Richard Rohr's 'Center for Action and Contemplation' daily meditations. If you are interested in using these, the link below will take you to the website.


January 100 Club winners:

£50 David Tompkins

£30 Richard Hart

£20 Sylvia Beautyman


Saturday 18th January

11.00 Youth group planning meeting in church

Sunday 19th January (Epiphany 2))

8am: Holy Communion

10am:Holy Communion

4pm: Family@Four

 6.30pm: St Mary's Youth Group

Monday 20th January

9.00am: Morning Prayer

9.30am Toddlers

4.30pm: Evening Prayer

7.30pm Meeting of Service Planning Group


Tuesday 21st January

9.00am: Morning Prayer

10.00: Craft Group

4.30pm: Evening Prayer

7.30pm: Church in the Kittiwake

Wednesday 22nd January

9.00am: Morning Prayer

10.30am: Holy Communion

4.30pm: Evening Prayer

6pm: Choir

Thursday 23rd January

9.00am: Morning Prayer

9.30-11am: Pop in Cafe

4.30pm: Evening Prayer

7.30pm: Bible Group (Ron's House, contact Nigel or Claire for details)

Friday 24th January

Office closed.

Saturday 25th January

Office Closed

Sunday 26th January (Epiphany 3)

8am: Holy Communion

10am: Holy Communion

4.00pm: Cafe Church

6.30pm: St Mary's Youth Group




Your Prayers are requested for:

Sophie, Martin Cooper, John Hughes, Suzanne, Iris Allan, Jennifer Stephenson and Jill.


Rest in Peace

Harry Shotton, Gerry

Remembering also those whose anniversaries of death fall at this time:

Robert George Hart and Pat Baker

We also pray for all residents of Evesham Avenue



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©2023 Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Monkseaton  |  Registered Charity No. 1131532  |  Safeguarding  |  Data Privacy  |  Giving

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