St Mary's Monkseaton # 244 January 2025
Vicar: Rev Nigel Taylor email:
Curate: Rev Claire Lewis email:
Please note: Nigel and Claire are not available on their day off which is Friday.
Find out more about our upcoming Services here.
If you missed last week's service, or can't make this Sunday, you can catch up online.
Holy Communion: Second Sunday of Christmas
8am Holy Communion
10.00am Holy Communion
4.00pm Choral Evensong
Parish Directory
We are refreshing our Parish Directory this month. If you would like to be included, please complete a 'Contact Details, Data Privacy and Consent' form which you will find at the back of church. If you have not completed a form, we will not put you in the directory. The link below takes you to the form which you can print out and return to the office.
Children's Society
Thank you for your amazing generosity following the Christingle and Advent collection, we are able to send £493 to the Children's society. This is a record!
Thank you to Rick and Sue for all of their hard work in promoting this and sorting out the payment.
New “St Mary’s Music Notes” WhatsApp Group
This new group is open to anyone interested in finding out more about the music in our services. Posts will include lists of the hymns and other music being included, together with some insights into why they were chosen, how they are appropriate to the day or season, and backgrounds to their composition.
To join, either speak to Mike or Penny, or pop your details on the form on the table in the vestibule.
Journey through the bible
Would you like to know your bible better? Claire is offering a story based look at the bible. It's a 12 week course exploring six old testament and six new testament stories to give an overview of the journey of the people of God. We will hear the stories, there will be a short time for discussion and questions and then lunch. Please let Claire know if you'd like to attend so we can make sure there's enough food. We will be meeting on Wednesdays from 22nd January at 12.00 midday
Volunteers for Burns Night Ceilidh
Tickets are selling quickly for the Burns night which is great news. We are in need of a small team of volunteers the help.
We also need some raffle prizes.
All profits will be going to the 'New Window and building improvement fund'
Church in the Kittiwake
We will be meeting in the Kittiwake to continue our discussions about life and faith on Tuesday 14th January at 7.30pm. In our first meeting of the year we will be discussing migration and immigration.
Saturday 11th January
Office Closed
Sunday 12th January (Epiphany 1, Baptism of Christ)
8am: Holy Communion
10am:Holy Communion
4pm: Choral Evensong
Monday 13th January
9.00am: Morning Prayer
9.30am Toddlers
4.30pm: Evening Prayer
Tuesday 14th January
9.00am: Morning Prayer
10.00: Craft Group
4.30pm: Evening Prayer
7.30pm: Church in the Kittiwake
Wednesday 15th January
9.00am: Morning Prayer
10.30am: Holy Communion
4.30pm: Evening Prayer
6pm: Choir
7.30pm Meeting of the PCC.
Thursday 16th January
9.00am: Morning Prayer
9.30-11am: Pop in Cafe
4.30pm: Evening Prayer
7.30pm: Bible Group (Ron's House, contact Nigel or Claire for details)
Friday 17th January
Office closed.
Saturday 18th January
11.00 Youth group planning meeting
Sunday 19th December (Epiphany 2)
8am: Holy Communion
10am: Holy Communion
4.00pm: Family@Four
6.30pm: St Mary's Youth Group
Your Prayers are requested for:
Sophie, Martin Cooper, John Hughes, Suzanne, Peter Dunlop, Iris Allan, Jennifer Stephenson and Jill.
Rest in Peace
Maureen Price, Harry Shotton
Remembering also those whose anniversaries of death fall at this time:
Robert George Hart and Pat Baker
We also pray for all residents of Red House Farm