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Mothering Sunday, 22nd March 2020

You will know by now that public worship has been suspended which means no services at St Mary’s until further notice. However, between 10am – 12pm every day except Saturday, we hope to keep the church open, and the office phone answered. Morning prayer will be said before this and you are invited to join in at home using the Daily Prayer App from the Church of England (a link to this can be found on the website). Between 10-12 you can drop into church, whilst keeping a safe distance from others. You might light a candle, say a prayer, drop off donations to the Foodbank. We will also be exploring ways to keep in touch with people in safe but creative ways as we approach Holy Week, Easter and beyond. You can keep up to date with how the church is responding to the pandemic, as well as access resources from St Mary’s and the Church of England via our new website:, and via our Facebook page. If you need pastoral support or any kind of help, please get in touch with us.


Tynemouth Choral Society This concert has been postponed until March 2021

St Mary’s Concert Series The March concert (29th March—Young Generation Artists) has been postponed. More information about the fate of subsequent concerts will follow.

PCC Meeting will hopefully be going ahead via Zoom (online conferencing). The staff team have trialled Zoom, and it looks like it’s worth giving a shot!


Bay Foodbank & ‘Walking With’Please continue to donate non–perishable items, they are gratefully received. Tinned fruit, tomatoes, soup, beans, rice, pasta, sauces, sugar, long life milk and anything non-perishable will be gratefully received.

Children's Society Boxes:Rick and Sue would be pleased to receive, count and return the boxes during Lent. Thanks to your generosity we sent £359.26 to the society last year. Boxes can still be dropped off at church between 10am and 12 noon weekdays.

100 Club March winners:£50 Jenny Guild, £30 Albert Abernethy, £20 Richard Hart


Mothers' UnionThe Archbishops are calling for an Ecumenical time of prayer, this Sunday 22nd March, Mothering Sunday.  Put a candle (battery operated for safety) or any light, a lamp or torch perhaps, in your window at;  then spend a quiet time of prayer for the people of this country.  This is commended to all M.U. members.

Sue MorganAs many of us know our organist is getting married in July. Sue will also step down as our organist on Sunday June 28th. Sue’s outstanding musical contribution to the life of St Mary’s will be sorely missed. There will be an opportunity to say our thank yous and goodbyes in June. In the meantime we pray for her and Adrian and wish them well as they prepare for their new life together.


While we are offering "Church at Home", prayer lists have moved to



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