Gracious God, you are planting seeds-open our eyes, our
hearts, our minds, our imaginations to see them
Where there is hope, you are there
Where there is compassion and desire for wholeness, you are
Where there is a struggle for peace, you are there
Where the hungry are fed and the poor empowered you are
Where there is a delight in the trees of the land or the depths
of the sea, you are there
Wherever love is announced, you are there
Whether our faith today feels as strong as a mountain or as
small as a seed, we pray that you will use us, strengthen and
renew us
Lord, hear us
Lord, graciously hear us
We pray for the world-wide church, and today especially for
it’s newest members……for those known to us, Alexander
Seed, baptised last Sunday and for Dylan, bravely being
baptised in the sea today
Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us
We long for the end of greed, cruelty and poverty in our
We pray for justice, for honest dealings and for integrity in
the media
Lord, hear us
Lord ,graciously hear us
Bless our children, our visible signs of joy and energy, as they
move on as the academic year comes to a close. Help families
cope with the pressures school holidays can bring.
Help seeds grow and sprout in our community as we expand
the Family@4 service and offer support through the holiday
St Lucia Place is our particular focussed area today.
Lord, hear us
Lord ,graciously hear us
Healing God, strengthen our faith, help us trust in you when
things seem bleak or when it seems that nothing is
happening at all.
Help us know you are alongside us always.
Many are ill ,anxious and in pain
We pray for
Derek Burton
Clare Peel
And John Hughes
We hold a silent moment for those on our own
minds, enfolded and enriched by the power of praying
Lord hear us
Lord ,graciously hear us
Eternal God
You gave life to our mortal bodies through your Spirit
We are grateful for the examples set by those who have gone
before and are with you now.
We give thanks for the life of Denis Wardle and we
remember the anniversaries of Tina Tomkins and Tom Danskin
at this time. Hold in your loving arms, those who are grieving
and trying to come to terms with their loss
Lord, hear us
Lord, graciously hear us
Lord, the seed of hope is sown-let it grow and develop
through us in the way that is right for us-so, in that
knowledge, we may go out this week ready to sing, dance and
clap with joy.
Merciful Father accept these prayers…….