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Parish Day

As a parish, we are asked to review our ‘Mission Action Plan’: our plan of how the parish goes about doing God’s work in our community and world.

We will be beginning this process on Saturday 3rd June with a Parish-day at St Mary’s and all are invited to join and offer their prayers, thoughts and ideas.

We are in time of great change. We hear so much negativity about the Church as a whole with declining congregation numbers and press coverage of infighting and disagreement. The purpose of our Parish-day is to look forward at the opportunities we have and to recognise that the Church is a force for good in the world, bringing much needed support and solace to so many people. How does St Mary Monkseaton fit into this?

We now have a new Bishop, Helen-Ann, and in her Ad Clerum of 15th May she sets out the Diocesan view of it’s churches turning outwards and focusing on:

SEEKING through being open to God’s transforming love in our worship;

SHARING through being generous with God’s transforming gifts in our hospitality;

SENDING through being engaged in God’s transforming work in the world in our service.

In addition we need to be mindful of the Deanery plan which is examining new ways of collaborative working and the priorities for the Deanery and ensure that St Mary’s understands its role in this.

Worship. (Shape of worship/times and days)

Nurturing and growth discipleship and prayer (Courses and study) Baptism and Occasional offices

Eco church and net zero.

Resources (Human, buildings and finance)

Mission, Community Engagement and Inclusion

Pastoral work and Intergenerational (Schools and Residential/nursing homes)

Each group would have a facilitator and be asking people to put forward their views on what works and ideas for the future.

Please join us for the a time of discussion, thought and prayer on Saturday 3rd June from 10.30am until 2.00pm and bring a sandwich (drinks provided) as we eat in fellowship together.

Revd Nigel



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