Climate wake up call.
Last week we all experienced first-hand the effects of climate change. Temperatures reached record highs for Britain, wildfires broke out prompting 14 fire services across the country to declare a major incident, people lost their homes and the extreme heat increased the grave risks to human health.
It was an up close and personal reminder, if we needed it, of the epic climate emergency the world faces. We have as a church community started taking actions, but now, we need to increase our efforts as the seriousness of the situation reaches us all.
The Eco board is available for information, with Pledges and Prayers still needed. If you have completed a previous pledge, it would be nice to hear about it.
General Synod Environmental update.
Earlier this month, the Church of England General Synod Approved the Routemap to Net Zero by 2030. Link below for information: -
Tomorrow could be worse. Today’s children and teenagers will face catastrophic consequences unless we take responsibility now, as ‘fellow workers with God’ (Gn 2.4–7), to sustain our world. We frequently hear from young people who understand that their futures are under threat. For their sake, we must choose to eat, travel, spend, invest and live differently, thinking not only of immediate interest and gains but also of future benefits.
Archbishop of Canterbury, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, 2021
Bat Survey.
The Bats in Churches Study we were invited to take part in, has been completed this week. No evidence or presence of bats was found.
An information leaflet about the study is on the vestibule table.