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4th Sunday after Trinity, 27th June 2021


Worship with us this Sunday!

This Sunday is the 4th Sunday after Trinity.

Use the links below to find out about our services, to sign up to join us in person (where required), or to access our live stream video.

Join us in person! Go to our Services & Worship page to find out about all of our upcoming services. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:


Join us Online! Head to our YouTube Channel to join us Live for our 10am Sung Eucharist, and access other videos. You can do that by clicking or tapping on this link:


This Week's News

Office Administrator Vacancy

We are now advertising for our new office administrator. This will be an employed permanent, part-time position of 15 hours per week. If you or anyone you know would be interested in applying, have a look at our dedicated page, and share it!

Derek Burton’s 90th Birthday

Derek was born in London’s East End, on his father’s birthday, 28th June 1931, the same year St. Mary’s Church’s foundation stone was laid. This year 2021, he will also celebrate having served 40 years of ministry since being licensed Reader in 1981.

Happy birthday Derek, from everyone at St Mary’s!

Happy Birthday Cheryl Savage

Cheryl celebrates a special birthday on 28th June. Love and best wishes from all at St Mary’s.

Thank You

A huge thank you to everyone. Your thoughts and Prayers were much appreciated. Myra had a heart attack after John’s collapse. She has had a stent put in and John had a new valve. They are slowly improving. Again, our sincere thanks.

Myra and John Telfer

Eco Church

We all wait, with anticipation, for the return of all aspects of church life, here at St. Mary’s. Eco church, like so many areas has been on hold, even though, as a new project, it had hardly started. Now, as we move out of the pandemic, we face new opportunities to integrate creation care, into our own lives, church life and communities.

The pandemic has given many of us an awareness of nature on our doorsteps and an increased awareness of the impacts of human activity. The climate crisis and environmental issues are not new but have been brought into sharper focus by recent events. The churches commitment to the environment, is also not new, as the Anglican fifth Mark of Mission, is ‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth’.

St. Mary’s, in the past and now, does look at and act on the eco issues. At the present time, the Building and Resources group have requested a church audit, to look at our energy consumption and suppliers. The grounds development group are incorporating eco friendly considerations into the plans. The parish breakfast team have in the past been committed to Fairtrade products and intend to restart when parish breakfast resumes. The flower team have researched and resourced a new biodegradable oasis, that they are going to trial. All positive steps.

Hopefully, environmentally friendly and Fairtrade goods will routinely become incorporated into all areas of church life. Whether in the church itself, the kitchen, office, toilets or cleaners cupboards.

I’m looking forward to working within my new role as Parish Environmental Champion. This entails ensuring environmental issues are championed here at St. Mary’s, as we all work together to become a greener and more sustainable church.

Marion Oakes



Sunday 27th June, 4th Sunday after Trinity

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist and Junior Church

Monday 28th June, Irenæus

9am Morning Prayer

7:30pm Social Butterflies, The Kittiwake

Tuesday 29th June, Peter & Paul

9am Morning Prayer

Wednesday 30th June

9am Morning Prayer

9:30am Private Prayer time until 12pm

Thursday 1st July

9am Morning Prayer

Sunday 4th July, 5th Sunday after Trinity

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist



Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.

100 Club renewal

As June rolls into July the excitement of another 100 Club year looms! For £25 a year you are entered into twelve monthly draws with the chance of winning £50, £30 and £20 or in December £100, £50 or £30.

You can see full details and info about St Mary's 100 Club here >

New Creation Book

Derek Burton’s second book, ‘NEW CREATION’, is to be published on his birthday, 28th June. It has a new design, more messages, more poems and many coloured images. It will be available from numerous retailers.

Here is one of five reviews printed on the back cover –

“A great read. This book covers a very wide range of historic and contemporary issues. It does not shy away from controversy, and addresses topics which we don’t often face up to. Statements are backed up with a variety of quotations from different sources. These chime with real experience. A very clear case for a Christian faith which is contemporary and relates to today’s experience, whilst being founded on a bedrock of solid Scriptural foundations. I hope it reaches a wide and receptive audience.”

Peter Howitt, Surrey

A reminder that Derek's first book, "A Light to my Path" is already available on Amazon here >.

Planned Giving

A number of Planned Giving members kindly moved to donating by standing order over the last year, but weekly/monthly envelopes can still be provided for anyone wishing to put a regular donation on the plate now we’re back in church. Statements of Gift Aid claimed for last year’s Planned Giving are also available from Rosie on request.

Please contact Rosie (0191 297 0869;

Dave Haddock Plants

Dave Haddock is still selling plants and he can deliver them to you. Contact Dave on: 07976687973 or visit his website. Now is the time to be thinking about spring and summer plants. So do go over and have a look! Don't forget to mention St Mary's when you order and we'll receive 30% of the cost!


For your prayers this week:

Your Prayers are requested for


Rose Ketteringham

Martin Cooper

Beverley Torrance

Lucinda & her children


Peter Schofield

Richard Furguson

Rest in Peace

Steve Rackham

Christopher Campbell

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list. You can also use the form on the website here to submit a prayer request online.


This Week's Hymns & Readings


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©2023 Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Monkseaton  |  Registered Charity No. 1131532  |  Safeguarding  |  Data Privacy  |  Giving

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