GDPR Contact and permission
нд, 12 січ.
|Whitley Bay
Join us for Holy Communion: Quiet said service at 8.00 or sung Eucharist at 10.00.

Time & Location
12 січ. 2025 р., 08:00 – 11:30
Whitley Bay, Claremont Gardens, Whitley Bay NE26 3SF, UK
Please return to St Mary’s Parish Office, Claremont Gardens NE26 3SF
or by email to
Your privacy is important to us, and we want to communicate with church members in a way which has their consent, and which is in line with UK law on data protection. We need your consent to how we contact you or your child, and whether we can record or use your/your child’s image. A separate form is required for each individual.
I am completing this form on behalf of a child in my care.
Child’s Date of Birth / /
Your Name
Child’s relationship to me
Personal Details
Your Data & Contact Permission
By signing this form you are confirming that you consent to the PCC of St Marys holding and processing your data for the following purposes. Tick all that apply.
I agree to be contacted by
Keep me informed about news, events, activities and services at St Mary’s. (You can unsubscribe from the church mailing list at any time)
I consent to the follow details appearing along with my name in the ‘Church Directory’ which is circulated to Church Members.
Photography, Video & Live Stream Data
You can grant consent to all the purposes; one of the purposes or none of the purposes. Where you do not grant consent we will not be able to use your personal data; except in certain limited situations, such as where required to do so by law or to protect members of the public from serious harm. You can find out more about how we use your data from our “Data Privacy Notice” which is available from our website or from the Parish Office.
You can withdraw or change your consent at any time by contacting the Parish Administrator at St Mary’s by using the contact details above. Please note that all processing of your personal data will cease once you have withdrawn consent, other than where this is required by law, but this will not affect any personal data that has already been processed prior to this point.
Photography and Video are an increasingly significant aspect of church life. Some services at St Mary’s are Live Streamed but there are some areas of church which are more/completely hidden from cameras. If this is important to you, please ask for advice on where to sit when you arrive at church.
By signing this form you are confirming that you consent to the PCC of St Mary’s holding and processing your images in photography and video for the following purposes. Tick all that apply.
I consent to my image being recorded in photograph and video
I consent to any photographs or videos being used on the St Mary’s website
I consent to any photographs or videos being used in printed publications or publicity
I consent to my image appearing in the media, including social media
I consent to my name appearing alongside any consented images.
©2021 Парафіяльна церква Пресвятої Богородиці, Монксітон | Зареєстрована благодійна організація № 1131532 | Охорона | Конфіденційність даних | Дарування