Climate Sunday
нд, 19 вер.
|St Mary's Church
Part of our Creation Season.

Time & Location
19 вер. 2021 р., 10:00
St Mary's Church, Claremont Gardens, Whitley Bay NE26 3SF, UK
This is our 10am Sung Eucharist for Climate Sunday, part of our Creation Season.
The Climate Sunday initiative is calling on all local churches across Great Britain & Ireland to hold a climate-focused service before COP26 (November 2021). At this service, congregations are encouraged to make a commitment to greater action to address climate change in their own place of worship and community and to use their voice to tell politicians we want a cleaner, greener, fairer future at the heart of plans agreed during COP26.
Whether you have been coming all your life, or whether this is the first time for you, you are very welcome and we look forward to seeing you.
The part of this service which is in church will also be streamed to our YouTube Channel as usual.
Please wear a mask and follow social distancing advice on arrival.
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