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Day of Pentecost, Sunday 5th June 2022


Day of Pentecost, Sunday 5th June

  • 8am Holy Communion

Presiding: Revd Peter Knibbs

Preaching: Margaret Evans

  • 10am Sung Eucharist

Presiding: Revd Peter Knibbs

Preaching: Margaret Evans

Please consider wearing something red, white, blue (or all three!) as we mark both Pentecost and the Platinum Jubilee. Readings

Hymns (at 10am) 114, 541, 409 Eucharist setting (at 10am) David Thorne "Mass of St Thomas"

Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel


Iona Brown Concert

Sunday 12th June 3pm

We are delighted to welcome Iona Brown, Royal Northern Sinfonia violinist, to St Mary's. Accompanied by David Murray, Iona will be playing a lovely repertoire of music for violin and piano, ranging from Bach to Elgar.

Admission to this concert is free, but there will be a retiring collection to support our Church and Concert Series. Light refreshments will be available from 2:30pm.


Funeral of Jean Goudie RIP Tuesday 14th June 10am

All are welcome to St Mary's for the funeral of Jean Goudie at 10am. Family only please at Tynemouth Crem at 11.15am.


Clare Connors’ Licence: A message to the church family at St Mary’s Monkseaton from Area Dean Tim Mayfield.

Dear St Mary’s,

I’ve picked up recently that there is in some quarters a degree of uncertainty around Clare’s licensing arrangements. I have met with Carol, Sue and Liz, and together we sought clarification from Bishop’s Chaplain Revd Pete Askew.

The clarification is this: Clare’s curacy at St Mary’s formally ended on March 22nd 2022. She remains licensed for all kinds of ministry, thanks to her role as an NHS chaplain. As such, Clare is licensed for all kinds of ministry at St Mary’s, but she does so by invitation.

I’m sure we would all be delighted to invite Clare to perform ‘all kinds of ministry’ at St Mary’s, while recognising that she also has a full-time role within the NHS. We are grateful for everything that Clare has given of herself at St Mary’s in the past, and grateful for all that she continues to give.

Please hold Clare in your prayers as she continues to settle to her new full-time post within the NHS. And you are all in our prayers as the appointments process continues for your new vicar.

Revd Tim Mayfield

Area Dean of Tynemouth


Reminder: Grounds redevelopment

All being well works will commence on Monday 20th June and will continue for some 16 weeks. Inevitably there will be significant disruption as the project develops and paths are re-laid. Parts of the car park (suitably protected) will be used as a compound. The church and hall will remain open but extra care will be required. Please be aware and follow the signage.


Reminder: Group for Older People

To attend our next lunch meeting on Friday 10th June at 12noon, please sign up on the sheet in the vestibule by Sunday 5th June. This is so that I can order food. Beryl Austoni.


Sunday 5th June

Day of Pentecost

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

Monday 6th June

9.30am Toddlers

Wednesday 8th June

9am Morning Prayer

10.30am Holy Communion - Bishop John Packer

5.30pm Young Notes

6pm Choir practice

Thursday 9th June

7pm Women's Institute in church

Friday 10th June

12pm: Group for Older People

Sunday 12th June

Trinity Sunday

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

2.30pm Iona Brown Concert


Your Prayers are requested for

  • Lewis Carmichael

  • Daniel

  • Martin Cooper

  • James Paul Walker (baby)

  • Luca (baby)

  • Audrey Searle

  • Marjory Robinson

  • David Howel

Rest in Peace

  • Jean Goudie

  • Alice Holt

Flowers in church

In memory of Alice Holt from Cheryl, Tom and all the family.

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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