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3rd Sunday of Advent, 12th December 2021


Worship with us this Sunday!

This Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent. You are warmly invited to our 8am and 10am services. We welcome Revd Jon Canessa as our guest preacher. Find out more about Jon and his work below.

You can also join us via our YouTube Channel > or view our upcoming services here>

This week's Bible Readings:

Hymns: 263, 633, 'Longing for Light' (Yes Booklet no 10)

Eucharist setting: Grayston Ives, "Salisbury Service"


Covid Update December 2021

The government has announced new covid rules including working from home if possible and wearing masks in public places. Church of England guidance will be updated soon, but it is likely that the measures we currently have in place will not be affected by these changes. Please continue to wear a mask where possible and be conscious of other people's space.


Revd Jon Canessa

Jon is Newcastle Cathedral's Lantern Initiative lead. The Lantern Initiative seeks to be a beacon of light to those visitors to the Cathedral who are navigating difficult circumstances such as homelessness, addiction, grief, poor mental health and refugee status. Find out more by clicking the link below


North East Homeless

Over Christmas we are collecting for North East Homeless charity. They provide support to those who vulnerable and homeless in our region. They also provide food and emergency equipment. Find out more about this charity and how to give via the link below.


Toddler Carol Service

All families with young children are welcome to our Toddlers Carol Service on Monday 13th December at 10.30am. The service will be very informal; please feel free to invite anyone with small children, St Mary’s offers a warm welcome to you all.


Christingle for The Children's Society

A huge thank you for your support of this event; so far we have raised £245 - marvellous! We are happy to continue collecting donations and collective candles through Advent.

~ Rick and Sue Channing.


Eco Church

We are all trying to be more environmentally friendly and more sustainable in the way we live. Christmas is coming and here are a few, hopefully, helpful suggestions, for a more eco friendly time :-

  • The most sustainable way to approach Christmas, is to actually buy less stuff. Make wise choices and consider quality over quantity. Could your purchases be environmentally friendly, ethically sourced, an experience rather than a material gift or even pre owned?

  • Buy from local independent shops, which allows money to stay in the local economy, reduce transportation costs and supports the local community.

  • When wrapping presents, looks for cards and paper made from recycled or FSC certified paper. Avoid plastic ribbon and tape, foil and glitter that aren’t recyclable. Consider reusing wrapping paper or adopt a traditional Japanese method of wrapping using cloth.

  • When buying a real Christmas tree, aim for one that is, locally produced, responsibly sourced and can be responsibly disposed of when Christmas is over. A living potted tree from a sustainable forest, is a good option, as it can be reused each year. In some areas (not yet found in the north east) you can rent a Christmas tree, then return it after the festive season to be replanted and used again the next year. If you are considering a plastic tree, it needs to be used between 7 – 10 years to help reduce its carbon footprint.

  • When lighting the tree, LEDs use up to 80% less energy than the traditional twinkling incandescent lights. Consider switching to solar-powered lights outdoors. These changes, make both environmental savings and reduce energy bills.

  • Christmas dinner can be eco friendly. Buy locally and by supporting ethical small scale producers, you reduce food miles, use less packaging and you haven’t supported any intensive farming practices. Festive ingredients can often be sourced Fairtrade and/or organic. Reduce food waste over Christmas, by buying less and being creative with leftovers.

  • Thinking about a Christmas outfit, do you actually need to buy something new? If so, opt for sustainable materials, in designs that can be worn after Christmas. Resist sequins, which are made from PVC. A good approach, learned in lockdown, is ‘shop in your own wardrobe,’ it’s amazing what surfaces. Recycle unwanted clothes, by donating to a charity shop.

  • This year, there are definitely more eco friendly choices out there, crackers, wrapping paper and tree decorations, no longer wrapped in or containing plastic. There is an increased awareness and demand for a sustainable Christmas , which can only be a good thing as we all try to make a difference.

Marion. (eco encourager)


Mothers' Union Carol Service

Tuesday 21st December at 2pm.

All are welcome.


Services over Christmas

A reminder that there will be no 8am Service on 26th December and no midweek service at 10.30am on Wednesday 29th December.


An Evening with The Most Revd Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York

11th December 6.30pm.

Newcastle Cathedral are delighted to welcome the Archbishop of York to talk faith, hope, politics and the future as he discusses themes from his recent book, "Dear England: Finding Hope, Taking Heart and Changing the World".



Saturday 11th December

5.30-6.30pm Young Notes practice

6.30pm An evening with the Archbishop of York at Newcastle Cathedral

Sunday 12th December

3rd Sunday of Advent

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

Monday 13th December


9am Morning Prayer

9:30am Toddler Group

10.30am Toddler Carol Service

Tuesday 14th December

John of the Cross

9am Morning Prayer

Wednesday 15th December

9am Morning Prayer

10:30am Holy Communion

6pm Choir Practice

Thursday 16th December

9am Morning Prayer

Friday 17th December

Saturday 18th December

5pm Carols at Whitley Lodge Shops

5.30-6.30pm Young Notes practice

Sunday 19th December

4th Sunday of Advent

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist

6pm Christmas Carol Service


For Your Prayers

Your Prayers are requested for

  • Heather Rivers

  • Lucinda and children

  • Anne Otter

  • Rhona and Douglas Lawrie

  • Martin Cooper

  • Alison Young

  • Ron House

  • Maggie Hollis

  • Daniel

  • Jean Woodruff

Rest in Peace

  • Riccardo Austoni Anniversary RIP

  • Zena Bernacca Anniversary RIP

  • Karen Kinninmonth Anniversary RIP

Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.

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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.

Candle in memory

This is the final week to request a candle in memory of a loved one for Christmas week. Candles will be lit and placed on the windowsills in church, lasting for 7 days. Should you wish to remember someone in this way, we ask for a £5 donation per candle; this can be given to the office until 17/12/21.


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