1st Sunday of Lent, 6th February

Join us on Sunday at 8am Holy Communion or 10am Sung Eucharist. President and Preacher: The Bishop of Berwick.
Find out more about our upcoming Services here, or if you can't make it in person, join us online via our YouTube Channel
Hymns (at 10am) 190, 574, 622 Eucharist setting (at 10am) Grayston Ives "Salisbury Service
Visit from Bishop Mark

This Sunday we are very pleased to have with us Rt Revd Mark Wroe, the Bishop of Berwick as our President and Preacher at both 8am and 10am services. Please come out in full force to show Bishop Mark who we are! Bishop Mark will also be responsible for licensing our next vicar so it would be great to showcase St Mary's at its best.
Update your details | Data Consent | Parish Directory
We are required periodically to update our database so that your details are correct. We also need to renew your data and photography consent. It is very important that you please take a couple of minutes to complete this form by clicking the button below, especially if you have not given us these details before Hard copies are available from church.
Our Parish Directory is an address book of our worshipping community. This is separate from our church database, and is really useful for communicating with our friends and neighbours. If you would like to be included in this published document in any way, there is an extra tick box in the above form. No information is added without permission.
If you have any queries or need help completing the form please contact the office.
LENT 2022

Deanery Lent Course 2022 "What's the Story?"
Thank you to everyone that has expressed an interest in the Deanery Lent Course. The course is taking place at a number of locations and times. Please pick up an accompanying booklet from the vestibule, and choose a session.
Wednesday afternoons: 2pm at St Mark’s Shiremoor
Starts 9th March. View on Google Maps.
Wednesday evenings: 7:30pm on Zoom
Starts 9th March. *Zoom link will be sent to those who have expressed interest next week, or is available directly from Revd Tim Mayfield.
Saturday mornings: 10am at St Paul's Whitley Bay
Begins 12th March. Preceded by Morning Prayer at 9.30am, and followed by a Lent Lunch from 12 till 2 – both optional extras. If you have any queries, contact Revd John Vilaseca.
A Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen
Some other ways to help Practical items to help Ukrainian families are being collected. You can:
Bring items to St Mary's and leave them in the designated collection box (next to Foodbank box in the foyer): Bryan and Grace Morgan will collect these on our behalf. Please view the below list for acceptable items.
Bring items to Benton collection centre
Monday - Friday 5-7pm
Unit 23E (near Asda),
North Tyne Industrial Estate,
Whitley Road,
NE12 9SZ
Please view the below list for acceptable items.
APCM 24th April 2022

The PCC meets 10 times in a year and now has 4 vacancies for the year beginning 24th April.
This is your opportunity to find out more about the work and life of St Mary’s, helping us to maintain our presence in the community, reaching out to offer a place of hope, friendship, spirituality and a welcome to all.
If you would like more information, please speak to Liz Hayes or Grace Morgan. Nomination forms can be found on the notice board in the foyer.
Young Notes

We are really excited to develop our new junior singing group at St Mary’s!
Sing fun and varied repertoire
Take part in Church services
Develop teamwork skills
Make new friends
Wednesdays 5.30-6.15pm (term time)
Church Services:
Sundays 10am (rehearsal 9.20am)
All are welcome to rehearsals and services - don’t worry if you can’t make every date. Come along and give it a try!
No musical experience is necessary.
Please be assured that all measures are in place to practise “safe” covid procedures.
If you have any queries please contact Penny on 07505 679210 or email
Mothers' Union
The next meeting is Tuesday 15th March 2.30pm in church, 'Our Favourite Prayer' (please bring your favourite prayer to the meeting).
100 Club
Congratulations to our March winners:
£50 Ann Maughan
£30 Alison Telfer
£20 Richard Whitaker
Lucinda and children
On behalf of all our family may I thank you for your prayers for Lucinda and children following the very recent court case. The case to leave New Zealand with the children will now be put on the waiting list: this may take some time. In the meantime there will be a court case for further decisions on access.
Karen Johnston.
Children's Society
Lent is the usual time when we ask for those who have Children's Society boxes to be handed in for counting. This could be to us personally or to the office. Rick or Sue will then return them as soon as possible. Last year the boxes raised £172.88p. Many thanks for your continued support.
Rick and Sue Channing.

Sunday 6th March
First Sunday of Lent
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
11.30am Concert Series meeting
11.45am LLF Session 4
4pm Commissioning of Anna Chaplains at Newcastle Cathedral
Monday 7th March
Perpetua, Felicity and their Companions
9am Morning Prayer
9:30am Toddler Group
7pm Tynemouth Choral Society rehearsal in church
Tuesday 8th March
Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln
8:45am KPS Chapel Service
9:30am Morning Prayer
2pm Sanctuary Guild AGM in church
7pm Deanery Synod via Zoom
Wednesday 9th March
8:45am KPS Chapel Service
9:30am Morning Prayer
10:30am Holy Communion
5.30pm Young Notes
6pm Choir Practice
Thursday 10th March
8:45am KPS Chapel Service
9:30am Morning Prayer
Sunday 13th March
Second Sunday of Lent
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist
11.45am LLF Final Session

Your Prayers are requested for
Lewis Carmichael
Martin Cooper
Alison Young
Ron House
Maggie Hollis
Rest in Peace Anniversary
John Day
Doreen Reeks
Stephen Pettitt
Please also pray for
the people of Ukraine
Don’t forget, you can add someone to the prayer list by emailing or phoning as usual, but you need to get their permission before adding them to the sick list.
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Remember that News and notices from previous weeks are all available to read by clicking "notices" at the top of the page.
Anna Chaplain Commissioning Service, Sunday 6th March "I am to be commissioned as an Anna Chaplain at a service in Newcastle Cathedral and it would be lovely to see some of you there to support me. At the service you will hopefully find out more about what Anna Chaplains do as part of the work in church communities. As the date approaches please keep me in your thoughts". Thank you, Beryl Austoni.
Pentecost Raffle We didn't have a raffle at our Autumn Fair last year, so we are hoping to do one throughout Eastertide, with a draw at Pentecost (Sunday 5th June 2022, also the Jubilee Weekend). We are looking for someone who would be happy to coordinate the raffle. If you think this could be you, or if you think you could help in some way, please get in touch with the office. Thank you!
Sanctuary Guild AGM The Sanctuary Guild will meet in Church on Tuesday 8th March at 2pm for our AGM. Contact Sheila Torrance if you have any queries.
King's Priory Chapel Services KPS Chapel Services continue this week. Morning prayer will be at 9:30am.
Living in Love and Faith Continues LLF continues this week: you are very welcome to attend. If you have any queries, contact Nicola .
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