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St Mary's is open as usual. We are open for worship on Sundays and throughout the week, and all our groups and activities are up and running. Find out below how we are helping to keep visitors to our church as safe as possible as we all continue to live with Covid-19. 


The Church of England produces guidance for all of its churches. Current guidance requires each church and parish to operate according to government restrictions, Canon Law, and with its own risk assessment, produced by each PCC. You can read all of the Church of England guidance here. An outline of the measures and mitigations in place at St Mary's are outlined below. 


For all of our services

  • Although not a legal requirement, we still ask that visitors to church wear a face covering if possible, unless leading or participating in the leading of a service, i.e reading in church or singing as part of a choir. 

  • External doors are open for ventilation.

  • Hand sanitiser is available.

  • Visitors are advised to be considerate of other people's space, and are encouraged to be bold in sharing their preferences with others. This is especially relevant where refreshments are served. 

  • There is a maximum capacity in place. Where the church wardens predict the capacity might be reached, we will introduce a sign-up system for attending our service and events. 

  • Some of our services are live streamed on our YouTube Channel, including our 10am Sunday Eucharist, and some Life Events. 

At Holy Communion

  • Eucharistic elements (i.e communion wafers) are prepared >48 hours in advance. 

  • At the Preparation of the Altar the President washes their hands. If a deacon prepares the altar, they sanitise their hands beforehand.

  • At the Distribution of Communion, the relevant ministers sanitise their hands beforehand, and wear a mask. 

  • We do not currently share the wine at Holy Communion. 


Regarding Music and Singing

  • The congregational singing is permitted. 

  • Where there is a choir present to aid our worship, they will not be expected to wear a mask when singing, but will be distanced from the main body of worshippers. 

  • The choir is subject to its own risk assessment, which includes requiring singers to have a negative lateral flow test before rehearsals and worship services. 

  • Young Notes Junior Choir is subject to its own risk assessment. 

  • For more information about singing at St Mary's, email our Music Leaders

Covid and worship

All activities and events in church, including concerts and Toddler Group, as well as groups meeting in the hall, are subject to their own risk assessments. Both our church and hall are cleaned professionally throughout the week.  


Please contact us if you would like to know more about a specific event. 

Across all activities we encourage

  • The wearing of masks where appropriate

  • Increasing ventilation
  • Maximum capacity considerations

Covid and other activities

©2021 by Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Monkseaton  |  Registered Charity No. 1131532  |  Safeguarding  |  Data Privacy  |  Giving

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